Pro-Pain – Don't Kill Yourself To Live From the Album Pro-Pain Copyright 1998, High Gain Records Version 1.0 – October 2002 Transcribed by: Vortigern For Questions, Comments, Newest Version, or Corrections contact Vortigern: at Check Out, With More Transcriptions On It: . - palm mute ph - pinched harmonic / - slide up to ah - artificial harmonic - slide down to th - tap harmonic ~ - vibrato hr - natural harmonic h - hammer on b - bend p - pull off Suffixes for bend t - tap with finger f - full bend h - half bend " - tremolo picking r - release t - tap bend X - percussion mute p - pick when bent > - accented note Prefixes () - ghost note, sustained note p - pre-bend w - use bar * - see comment d - don't pick start of bend Tune Gtr to D Don't Kill Yourself To Live Riff A, both guitars |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |-2--2-3-3-2----2--2--5-5-4-3--2-------------------------------------| |-0--0-1-1-0----0--0--3-3-2-1--0-------------------------------------| Riff B, both guitars |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |-2--22--2--3-3--2--22--2--2--5-5-4-3-2------------------------------| |-0--00--0--1-1--0--00--0--0--3-3-2-1-0------------------------------| .. .. Riff C, both guitars |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------4--44444----------------------------------------------------| |-2--2-2-2--22222--5-5--5-5--7-77777--5-2----------------------------| |-0--0-0-----------3-3--3-3--5-55555--3-0--3-2~----------------------| Check Out, With More Transcriptions On It: