Capo 1 for original

| C (x32010@1) | C (x32010@1)  | Am (x02210@1)| E| (022100@1)Bb| (x1333x@1)
| Eb Bb Csus4 F | G |

| G (320003@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D | Em (022000@1)name="chord_x32010@1">C | G (320003@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D | C (x32010@1)name="chord_320003@1">G |
| G D | Em C | Cmaj7 | D |
| G (320003@1) |

D (xx0232@1)                           EmIn (022000@1)the year of thirty nine assembled here the volunteers
        C (x32010@1)            G (320003@1)       DIn (xx0232@1)the days when the lands were few
         Em (022000@1)                     CAnd (x32010@1)the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn
     Dsus4 (xx0233@1)  D (xx0232@1)       GThe (320003@1)sweetest sign ever seen.

D (xx0232@1)                         Ebdim (2312xx@1)                     
And the night followed day, and the story tellers say
      Em (022000@1)              Am (x02210@1)             
The score brave souls inside
     G (320003@1)                           DFor (xx0232@1)so many a lonely day sailed across the milky seas
 G (320003@1)C (x32010@1)       Em (022000@1)   C (x32010@1)  D (xx0232@1)        G (320003@1)   DNe'er (xx0232@1)looked back, never feared, never cried

G (320003@1)                        CDon't (x32010@1)you hear my call though you're many years away
           G (320003@1)            DDon't (xx0232@1)you hear me calling you
            G (320003@1)    B7 (x21202@1)    EmWrite (022000@1)your letters in the sand
 G (320003@1)     C (x32010@1)   G (320003@1)       AmFor (x02210@1)the day I take your hand
        G (320003@1)        D (xx0232@1)              GIn (320003@1)the land that our grandchildren knew

D (xx0232@1)                        EmIn (022000@1)the year of thirty nine came a ship came from the blue
        C (x32010@1)           G (320003@1)       DThe (xx0232@1)volunteers came home that day
         Em (022000@1)                     CAnd (x32010@1)they bring good news from a world so newly born
           Dsus4 (xx0233@1)      D (xx0232@1)      GThough (320003@1)their hearts so heavily weigh

D (xx0232@1)                         Ebdim (2312xx@1)     
Now the earth is old and grey, little darling we'll away
        Em (022000@1)            Am (x02210@1)
But my love this cannot be
        G (320003@1)                          DFor (xx0232@1)so many years have gone now I'm older but a year
  G (320003@1) C (x32010@1)    Em (022000@1)    C (x32010@1)     D (xx0232@1)     G (320003@1)     DYour (xx0232@1)mother's eyes from your eyes - cry to me

G (320003@1)                        CDon't (x32010@1)you hear my call though you're many years away
           G (320003@1)            DDon't (xx0232@1)you hear me calling you
            G (320003@1)    B7 (x21202@1)    EmWrite (022000@1)your letters in the sand
 G (320003@1)     C (x32010@1)   G (320003@1)       AmFor (x02210@1)the day I take your hand
        G (320003@1)        D (xx0232@1)              GIn (320003@1)the land that our grandchildren knew

G (320003@1)                        CDon't (x32010@1)you hear my call though you're many years away
           G (320003@1)            DDon't (xx0232@1)you hear me calling you
            G (320003@1)    B7 (x21202@1)    EmWrite (022000@1)your letters in the sand
 G (320003@1)     C (x32010@1)      G (320003@1)          AmCan (x02210@1)not heal me like your your hand
        Em (022000@1)        D (xx0232@1)         GFor (320003@1)my life, still ahead, pity me

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