NO ONE BUT YOU (Only The Good Die Young)        -       Queen

C   G/B                C        A7 - Dm -                               
   A    hand above the    water 
         A7                   Dm     Dm/C - G7 -                        
An angel    reaching for the     sky 
       G             C          Am - Am/G - D7/F# -                            
Is it    raining in    heaven 
       D7            G        Csus4/D                               
Do you    want us to    cry? 

C              G/B                    C         A7 - Dm -                
   And every -     where the broken-   hearted 
         A7              Dm       Dm/C - Bb -                            
On every    lonely ave -    nue 
        Bb         Fi              F                             
No-one     could      reach them 
C              G/Bi      A7                                      
   No-one but       you 

D     F#m7i      Gi                                               
  One        by     one
A7      A13       A7i       D       F#m7i      Gi                                
    On -      ly      the     good        die      young
A7           A13       A7i                                         
    They're      on -      ly 
D              F#m7          F#m7i      Bm      A                          
   flying too       close to        the     sun 
    Bm6/Ab             D/F#            A7Sus4          A7                     
And         life goes       on - Wit -        hout you 

G/B - C          G/B                C                                 
        Another      tricky situ -    ation
A7 - Dm          A7                 Dm                               
        I get to     drowin' in the     blues
Dm/C - G7      G                 C           Am - Am/G - D7/F# -                          
          And    I find myself    thinkin' 
        D7                 G       Csus4/D                            
Well -     what would you     do? 

C               G/B                C        A7 - Dm -                  
   Yes!  it was     such an oper -     ation 
         A7              Dm     Dm/C -                              
Forever    paying every     due 
Bb           Bb              Fi         F                         
   Hell, you    made a sen -     sation 
C                  G/Bi          A7                               
  You found a way       throu ?      ough ? and

D      F#m7i     Gi                                               
   One        by     one
A7       A13     A7i       D        F#m7i      Gi                                
    On -      ly      the     good        die      young
A7          A13       A7i                                         
    They're      on -      ly 
D             F#m7           F#m7i      Bm      A                          
   flying too       close to        the     sun 
Bm6/Ab             D/F#                 A7Sus4        A7                   
        We'll re -       member - for -          ever 

G/B - C             G/B                C                             
        And now the      party must be    over
A7 - Dm                 A7               Dm                          
         I guess we'll     never under -     stand
Dm/C - G7       G               C          Am - Am/G - D7/F# -                           
           The    sense of your   leaving  
            D7            G           Csus4/D                        
Was it the    way it was    planned? 

C             G/B                C        A7 - Dm -                     
   And so we       grace another     table 
               A7                   Dm       Dm/C -                
And raise our     glasses one more     time 
Bb                        Fi         F                         
   There's a face at the     window 
             C                             G/Bi      A7           
And I ain't    never, never sayin' good -       bye 

D      F#m7i     Gi                                               
   One        by     one
A7       A13      A7i       D       F#m7i      Gi                                
    On -      ly      the     good        die      young
A7          A13       A7i                                         
    They're      on -      ly 
D              F#m7          F#m7i       Bm     A                          
   flying too       close to        the     sun 
 Bm6/Ab           D5/A                                             
        Cryin' for      nothing
Bm6/Ab         G2        D/F#                                          
        Cryin'       for       no-one
G2              D5/A                                           
     No-one but       you

C - G/B - Dsus2 //
  C     G/B    Dsus2

C       x32010
G/B     x2000x
A7      x02020
Dm      xx0231
Dm/C    x2x231
G7      320001
G       320003
Am      x0221x
Am/G    3x221x
D7/F#   2x021x
Csus4/D xx0011
Bb      x13331
Fi      xx3211
F       133211
G/Bi    x20003
D       xx0232
F#m7i   24235x
Gi      32003x
F#m7i   24235x
Gi      32003x
A13     x02022
A7i     x02023
F#m7    242352
Bm      x2443x
A       x0xxxx
Bm6/Ab  4x443x
D/F#    20023x
A7Sus4  x0203x
D5/A    x0023x
G2     35543x
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