• Song:


  • Artist:

    Queens of the stone age

  • Album:

    Queens of the Stone Age

Band: Queens of the Stone Age (www.QOTSA.com)
Written By: Josh Homme 
Song: Avon
Album: Queens of the Stone Age
Josh most likely plays it down 2 full steps,
But I play it this way, I'll show you this way
(down 1/2 step) Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb

Key: /  = slide
      h  = hammer-on
      p  = pull-off
      b  = bend
      r  = release
      *  = natural harmonic
     ( ) = ghost note
      x  = mute note
      ~  = vibrato
      ^  = let ring
      #  = stompbox on/off
Tab by: Keith Dillon guitarhero1@lycos.com

(down 1/2 step) Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb



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