As recorded by Quo Vadis
                      (From the 2000 Album DAY INTO NIGHT)

Words and Music by Arie Itman
Arranged by Quo Vadis
Transcribed by Eitan "Skrud" Levi (drskrud@hotmail.com)

As far as Quo Vadis songs go, this is an easier one to play. I'm 100A??]??m???????????(??[??v??????????????
????m??'???????????????????Z?????ure that these tabs are right since it was taught to me by the songwriter itself. (It helps when your guitar teacher is in Quo Vadis eh?). Listen to the song to get the timing right, some notes fall on weird beats (which is the Quo Vadis norm). These tabs were exported from the PowerTab version. I'll try to get it up on some other sites as well. If you have any questions/comments just e-mail me at drskrud@hotmail.com.

Note: There are lots of ghost notes everywhere in this tab. In the PowerTab version you can clearly see that they're tied notes but it can get confusing. For the sake of simplicity, ignore them in this text tab.

Gtr I (E A D G B E) - 'Arie Itman'
Gtr II (E A D G B E) - 'Bart Frydrychowicz'

    E (022100@1)                           Dsus2/E
    Gtrs I, II

  C (x32010@1)                           E5 (022xxx@1) PM---------------------------------------------|      ~

  E|-----------------------------------------| (022100@1)|-----------------------------------------|
| Gtr II
Note: On the album version of this riff Gtr II was recorded over Gtr I 
simply to accent the note. When playing live, both guitars play the Gtr I track.


  C5|---------------------------------------------------------| (x355xx@1)|---------------------------------------------------------|

|                                                 ~

  E|-----------------------------------------| (022100@1)|-----------------------------------------|


  C5|---------------------------------------------------------| (x355xx@1)|---------------------------------------------------------|

|                                                 ~

   Main Verse Riff
    E5 (022xxx@1)   Gtrs I, II
       PM                   PM    PM       PM----|

  D5 (xx023x@1)               G5 (355xxx@1)   A5 (x022xx@1)     D5/A
     PM        PM       PM|

    E5 (022xxx@1)        F#5 (244xxx@1)name="chord_355xxx@1">G5
          ~   PM|         ~~~~~~

                         To Coda
  A5 (x022xx@1)       ~~~~~~

 Interlude 1
  E5 (022xxx@1) PM---------------|  PM-------------------------|      ~

  PM---------------|  PM------------------|

 Interlude 2
  Gtr I
| Gtr II
|                                   PM

  Gtr I
                                                        PM|   PM--|
| Gtr II
|                                   PM                  PM|   PM--|

    PM|   PM|   PM|   PM|   PM|         PM|   PM|   PM|     PM|   PM--|
|   Gtr II
|   PM|   PM|   PM|   PM|   PM|         PM|   PM|   PM|     PM|   PM--|
|                                    3x

 Fast Riff
  Gtrs I, II
  PM|     PM|     PM|     PM|       PM|     PM|     PM    PM    PM

  PM|     PM|     PM|     PM|       PM|     PM|     PM    PM

  PM|     PM|     PM|     PM|       PM|     PM|     PM    PM    PM

  PM|     PM|     PM|     PM|

                                            E5 (022xxx@1) PM|     PM|                                  PM

 Solo Rhythm
  E5 (022xxx@1)         G5 (355xxx@1)           C5 (x355xx@1)       A5 (x022xx@1)                     PM----|    PM----|

  E5 (022xxx@1)         G5 (355xxx@1)           C5 (x355xx@1)       D5 (xx023x@1)                     PM----|    PM----|

  E5 (022xxx@1)         G5 (355xxx@1)           C5 (x355xx@1)       A5 (x022xx@1)                     PM----|    PM----|

  E5 (022xxx@1)         G5 (355xxx@1)           C5 (x355xx@1)           G5 (355xxx@1)                     PM----|    PM--------|

 Post-Solo Riff
  E5 (022xxx@1)                    E5 (022xxx@1)                                  PM--|

                          E5 (022xxx@1)                                    PM----|

  E5 (022xxx@1)                    E5 (022xxx@1)                                  PM--|

  E5 (022xxx@1)                    E5 (022xxx@1)                                  PM--|

       E5 (022xxx@1)                                 E5 (022xxx@1)      PM------------M---|




|   Gtr II
|    PM----------------------------------------------

|                                                   3x

|    PM----------------------------------------

|                                             4x

    Gtrs I, II
|                                          G||-----------------------------------------| (320003@1)||o----------------------------------------|

|tr II
|  PM----------------------------------|

                Chorus (Modified)
  Gtrs I, II
                       ~   PM|         ~


        ~   PM|         ~                        ~~~~~~


  PM---------------------------------------------|      ~










Tablature Legend
 h   - hammer-on
 p   - pull-off
 b (x24432@1) - bend
 pb  - pre-bend
 r   - bend release (if no number after the r, then release immediately)
 /  - slide into or out of (from/to "nowhere")
 s   - legato slide
 S   - shift slide
  - natural harmonic
[n]  - artificial harmonic
n(n) - tapped harmonic
 ~   - vibrato
 tr  - trill
 T   - tap
 TP  - trem. picking
 PM  - palm muting
n/  - tremolo bar dip; n = amount to dip
 n  - tremolo bar down
 n/  - tremolo bar up
/n  - tremolo bar inverted dip
 =   - hold bend; also acts as connecting device for hammers/pulls
   - volume swell (louder/softer)
 x   - on rhythm slash represents muted slash
 o   - on rhythm slash represents single note slash

Misc Legend
 |  - bar
||  - double bar
||o - repeat start
o|| - repeat end
*|  - double bar (ending)
 :  - bar (freetime)
 $  - Segno
 &  - Coda
Tempo markers -  = BPM(8/16=s8/s16), where s8 = swing 8ths, s16 = swing 16ths

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