Rage Against the machine Fistful of Steel Album: Rage Against the Machine tabbed by Gary (klinktrain@aol.com) Standard tuning e,a,d,g Chorus riff: g:|----------------------| d:|----------------------| a:|-----------------9\---| e:|--0-22-xx-0-22--------| Verse riff: g:|---------------|----------------| d:|---------------|----------------| a:|----------9----|0-2-3-----------| e:|-22/-----------|----------------| Slide from the 2nd fret on the 4th string to the 9th fret on the 3rd string End of Verse: g:|------------------| d:|------------------| a:|-9-7-4---3-2-0----| e:|------------------| Go right into the Chorus after you play this Bass During Solo: g:|----------------------| d:|----------------------| a:|------------2-2-23----| e:|-22-0-0-22-0----------| Bridge: g:|------------------| d:|------------------| a:|---------9870987--| e:|-0-2-05-0---------| Play those riffs to figure out the song. Look for variations throught the song.