Tabbed by:ADAM Listen to the song to get the rythm right. Tuning:Standard Intro e|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|-----------------7-9----|x4 D|--7/9-7/9999999--7-9----| A|--7/9-7/9999999--5-7----| E|--5/7-5/7777777---------| Verse e|------------------------------| B|------------------------------| G|--------------------7-9-------| D|--7/9--999999--7-9--7-9-------|x4 A|--7/9--999999--7-9--5-7-------| E|--5/7--777777--5-7------------| "I dont wanna be a...." Bridge e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|-9999999999999999----| D|-9999999999999999----| A|-7777777777777777----| E|---------------------| back to intro then verse and bridge then intro then after the intro you play this e|----------------------| B|----------------------| G|---------7------------| D|--999999-7--777777-4--|x 2 A|--999999-5--777777-4--| E|--777777----555555-2--| then it goes in to the chant and after the first chant you play e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|----------------7-9--| D|-7/9-999999-7-9-7-9--| A|-7/9-999999-7-9-5-7--| E|-5/7-777777-5-7------| then after the second chant you play the same as above but after it you play e|----------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------| G|--9999999999999999-----------------7-9--| D|--9999999999999999------7/9-999999-7-9--| A|--7777777777777777------7/9-999999-5-7--| E|------------------------5/7-777777------| then go to the intro, verse, bridge and intro as normal then after you play that last intro you play that below until the end e|----------------------| B|----------------------| G|---------7------------| D|--999999-7--777777-4--| A|--999999-5--777777-4--| E|--777777----555555-2--| You've now successfully played pinhead by the ramones. Thanks for looking at the tab and please rate it. | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note =============