• Song:


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  • Album:


                       From the Album ANNIHILATION
                        Copyright 2001 HAMMERHEART

                          Version 1.0 - JAN '02

Transcribed by: death8699

For Questions, Comments, Newest Version, or Corrections contact
 death8699: at archenemies@aol.com

Check Out Death8699.com, With More Transcriptions On It:

.  - palm mute                  /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to              ~  - vibrato             
h  - hammer on                  b  - bend 
p  - pull off                   Suffixes for bend    
ph - pinch harmonic             f - full bend    h - half bend
*  - see comment                r - release      t - tap bend
X  - percussion mute            ~ - vibrato bend
@  - slight palm mute           () - ghost note, sustained note

Tune Gtr to E flat

* * * A N N I H I L A T I O N * * *

Fill 1

Riff A                  

Riff A 7tx

Fill 2
  .   .   .

Riff A.1

Riff A 7tx

Riff B
  .....       .....           .....        .....

Riff B 3tx
Riff A.1 8tx
Riff B 4tx

Riff C
  .... .............  ....   .... .............  ....

Riff C 3tx

Riff C.1
   .... ....... .. . . . . . . ..    .... ....... .. . . . . . . ..

Riff C.1 3tx

Riff D
|------7 /8\7------7/ 8\7------7/-8\7-5/7--8\7-|
  ....        ....        ....                   

Riff D 2tx

Riff D.1
|------7h8p7-----------------7h8p7-5h7-8p7-| I
| ....       ....       ....                
|------------------------------------------| II
  ....       ....       ....                

Riff D.1 2tx
Riff D 2tx
Riff D.1 2tx
Riff D 2tx
Riff D.1 2tx
Riff D 2tx
Riff D.1 2tx

Riff C.2
  ...............   ...............

Riff C.2 3tx
Riff D 2tx
Riff D.1 2tx
Riff D 2tx
Riff D.1 2tx

Fill 3
  . .

Riff A 8tx
Fill 2

Riff E

Riff E.1

Riff F

Riff G
                     . . . . . . . .                        . . . . . . . . 

Riff G 3tx

Riff H

Riff H 2tx

Riff H.1

Riff I

Riff I 1tx


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