• Song:

    Curl Up And Die

  • Artist:

    Relient K

  • Album:

    The Bird and the Bee Si...

Relient k
Curl Up And Die
Tabbed By KLRZ5

Capo 8

    Am (x02210@1)F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) E7 (020130@1)G (320003@1)FMaj
e | x---x---x---x---x---x
B | 1---1---1---0---0---0
G | 2---2---0---1---0---5
D | 2---3---2---0---0---3
A | 0---3---3---2---x---x
E | x---x---x---0---3---x

Am (x02210@1)Verse 1
AmI (x02210@1)don't like the steps I took
   C (x32010@1)                   F (133211@1)C (x32010@1)   
To get into your deepest feelings
AmBut (x02210@1)I don't like the place I'm in
     C (x32010@1)                                F (133211@1)C (x32010@1)Head space with in the hardwood and the ceiling
             E7 (020130@1)            Am (x02210@1)    
Cause if I'm restless why do I?
       F (133211@1)                    C (x32010@1) 
I want nothing but to rest my soul
            E7 (020130@1)                AmAnd (x02210@1)I don't get this and I know why
        F (133211@1)                                 G (320003@1) 
You see sometimes things are just beyond control


            C (x32010@1)  
But I don't mind
                                        AmBut (x02210@1)I'm not surprised to find you       do
                          F (133211@1)                     GI'm (320003@1)not surprised to find you      do, I know you do
           C (x32010@1)
And I feel fine
                                       Am (x02210@1)    
But I know the same does not apply to  you
                         FI (133211@1)know the same does not apply to you
     GSo (320003@1)I guess that I'll curl up and die too

Am (x02210@1)Verse 2
Am (x02210@1)                        CClinging (x32010@1)to the remnants of perfection 
                        F (133211@1)   C (x32010@1)
Like most do after they break it
    Am (x02210@1)                                   CNot (x32010@1)knowing which direction is the correct one
                  F (133211@1)  C (x32010@1)Do I discard or remake it? 
           E7 (020130@1)                      Am (x02210@1)     
Cause if I don't know then I don't know
          F (133211@1)                                 CBut (x32010@1)I may know someone who knows me more then I
               E7 (020130@1)               Am (x02210@1) 
And if I could somehow rest this soul
          F (133211@1)                                 G (320003@1)  
Maybe control could find its way back into my life

Chorus 2    
            C (x32010@1)  
And I don't mind
                                        AmBut (x02210@1)I'm not surprised to find you       do
                          F (133211@1)                  GYou (320003@1)see I know I've done all this to  you,  to you
           C (x32010@1)
And I feel fine
                                       Am (x02210@1)    
But I know the same does not apply to  you
                                        FYeah, (133211@1)I know the same does not apply to you
     GSo (320003@1)I guess that I'll curl up and die too

FMaj C Am C

Yeah, I'll curl up with you
        Am (x02210@1)      CUntil (x32010@1)I die, with you  
Yeah, I'll curl up with you
        Am (x02210@1)      CUntil (x32010@1)I die, with you  
                CYeah, (x32010@1)I'll curl up with you
        Am (x02210@1)      CUntil (x32010@1)I die, with you  
Yeah, I'll curl up with you my baby, yeah my darling
        Am (x02210@1)      CUntil (x32010@1)I die, with you  
Yeah, I'll curl up with you
                  GUntil (320003@1)I die, with you  

Am (x02210@1)
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