• Song:

    Are You Happy Now

  • Artist:

    Richard Shindell

Capo III

All the chords are in standard fingering, meaning:

D: 000232
G: 320033
A: 002220
Em: 022000

Except in the intro, which will take a little stretching, although don't worry if you can't:

D*: 000235
G*: 320035

Also, there are a couple of walk-up/walk-downs in the verses:

**walk up to the G chord with an F# (second fret) on the 6th string
***walk down to the Em chord with an F# (second fret) on the 6th string

Intro: (D*)(G*)(D)(G)

(D)You took the toaster when you went (G)
You never paid your half the (D)rent 
You took the spices from the rack (G)
But you don't have to put 'em (D)back
'Cause in your haste on Hallo(A)ween
You left your camera on the (Em)bed
Where we played roles in **black and (G)white
You left a roll of ***black and (Em)white
I set the timer, thought of (A)you
Put the lens up to my (Em)head
I took a photograph **for you(G)
What comes out gray is really (D)red

So are (A)y(Em)o(G)u happy (D)now?
Are (A)y(Em)o(G)u happy (D)now?
Are (A)y(Em)o(G)u happy (D)now? (A)

(D)I smashed your pumpkin on the floor (G)
The candle flickered at my (D)feet
As goblins flew across the moon (G) 
The children peered into the (D)room
A cowboy shivered on the (A)porch
And Cinderella checked her (Em)watch
A hobo waited **in the (G)street
An angel whispered ***trick or (Em)treat
What was I supposed to (A)do
But to sit there in the (Em)dark
I was amazed to **think that you(G)
Would take the candy with you (D)too


(D)I've sat all night, and now it's dawn (G)
And I cannot believe my (D)eyes
There's garbage strewn across the lawn (G)
Where we once stared up at the (D)sky
And streams of paper fill the (A)tree
That hovered over you and (Em)me
And shaving cream **covers the (G)car
That we picked up in ***Balti(Em)more
And though I know it's hard to (A)tell
I hope that what's-his-name treats you (Em)well
I still maintain that **he's a bum(G)
But it's your money, have some (D)fun


(Em)You always asked why I had (A)not
Written you a verse or (Em)two
Since that's the one thing **I regret (G)
I dedicate this one to (D)you

So are (A)y(Em)o(G)u happy (D)now?
Are (A)y(Em)o(G)u happy (D)now?
Are (A)y(Em)o(G)u happy (D)now? 
Are (A)y(Em)o(G)u . . . (D)?

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