(Mirracle Riddim). Repeat: F#m|E|D|A. Life is what you make it, and if you don't make it whose gonna make it for you. Mih seh them youths yes you haffi teach them, and if you don't teach them whose gonna teach them you. Raise, yes you haffi raise them cause if you don't raise them whose gonna raise them for you. And mih seh love yes you haffi love them, and if you don't love them whose gonna love them for you. Oh what a day it would be a day just like an holiday unity that what we say, see them youths them playing in the park weh them go up to, to walkbout after dark.Everything is everything till them see noh ask fih bring righteousness is just what we bring, why they promoting and they woman struggles, you know what we got to preserve. More life, plant the seed and let it grow.(let it grow) More life, don't be like dog who loses bone. More life, got to work got to achieve your home.(work hard to get it) More life, and you will find some peace at home. Oh what a day it would be a day just like an holiday unity that what we say, see them youths them playing in the park weh them go up to, to walkbout after dark.Everything is everything till them see noh ask fih bring righteousness is just what we bring, why they promoting and they woman struggles, you know what we got to preserve. More life, life is what you make it, and if you don't make it whose gonna make it for you. Mih seh the youths, yes you haffi teach them cause if you don't teach them whose gonna teach them for you. Raise, yes you haffi raise them cause if you don't raise them whose gonna raise them for you. And love, yes you haffi love them, and if you don't love them whose gonna love them for you. Oh what a day it would be a day just like an holiday unity that what we say, see them youths them playing in the park weh them go up to, to walkbout after dark.Everything is everything till them see noh ask fih bring righteousness is just what we bring, why they promoting and they woman struggles, you know what we got to preserve. More life, time is ticking on(tika tika tak tika tika a tak) youths them ah grow as the finger snap.Youths got to work for the parents, parents got to work for the youths. (youths motha, fatha).Yes you will reap a bit of fruits. (eveverybody must work hawda). Oh what a day. Oh what a day Learn to play "Richie Spice" with online video lessons UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! Please rate: print report bad tab 1 2 3 4 5 I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. 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