This variation of C is used C- x32013


C (x32010@1)            Am (x02210@1)        F (133211@1)        G (320003@1)   
I watched you sleeping quietly in my bed
C (x32010@1)        Am (x02210@1)           F (133211@1)                              GYou (320003@1)dont know this now, but there's some things that need to be said

F (133211@1)                 GIt's (320003@1)all that I can hear

F (133211@1)                   GIt's (320003@1)more than I can bear


C (x32010@1)        G (320003@1)           Am (x02210@1)  
What if I fall, and hurt myself

Am (x02210@1)       F (133211@1)           CWould (x32010@1)you know how to fix me?

C (x32010@1)        G (320003@1)           Am (x02210@1)  
What if I went and lost myself

Am (x02210@1)       F (133211@1)               CWould (x32010@1)you know where to find me?

C (x32010@1)      G (320003@1)      Am (x02210@1)           FIf (133211@1)I forgot who I am, would you please remind me?

Em7                   FOh, (133211@1)cause without you things go hazy.

C (x32010@1)   Am (x02210@1)     F (133211@1)     C (x32010@1)    Ah ah ah  Ah ah ah

Repeats with the guy singing.
After second Ah's both sing refrain.

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