Into Darkness
By Rush
Copyright 1975 Core Music Publishing
Transcribed by Sean Jones
Any comments, questions, or corrections please contact Sean at
Last Updated 12-12-99

                          h h+  w+  w+  w     h h+  w+  w+  H q    h h+  Q e e
||---Gtr Ad-|--12 mm.-||--r---|---|---|----||-r---|---|---|-----||-----|-------|

 Q   h h   Q Q q   h h   h e q e   h q e e   Q q e q   h h   h e q e   h q e

 e   Q q e e e   e e e e h   h e q e   h e e e s s   Q s s e e e e   e e e e

 h   Q e e q e   q e e e e e s s   Q e e e e e   e q e h   h e q e   h h   Q

 Q q    w   h e q e   w   Q Q q   w   h e q e   h q e e   Q q e q   h h   h

 e q e   h q e e   Q q e q   h h+  h e q e   h q e e   h q q   h h   h e q e

 h e e s s e   Q q e q   q q h   h e e e e   Q e e e s s e   Q e q e e   q s

 s e h   h e q e   q e e e e s s e   Q e e e e e   q e e h   h e q e   h q e

 e   Q q e q   q q h+  w+  w

==                           TABLATURE EXPLANATION                            ==

----------                ----------                ----t---|
----5h8--- Hammeron       ----(8)--- Ghost          ----6---| Tap
----------                ---------- Note           --------|
----5p8--- Pulloff        ----------                --------|

----------                ----------                -----p--|
----5/8--- Slide Up       -----x---- Dead           -----7--| Pop
----------                ---------- Note           --s-----|
----5\8--- Slide Down     ----------                --5-----| Slap

----------                ||------|| Repeat         --------|
----5~~~-- Vibrato        ||*----*||                ---5^---| Bend
----------                ||*----*||                --------|
----------                ||------||                --------|

----------                ----------                --------|
-4:------- Time           ----------                --------|
-4:------- Signature      ----------                --------|
----------                ----------                --------|

  w = whole note            W = dotted whole
  h = half note             H = dotted half
  q = quarter note          Q = dotted quarter
  e = eighth note           E = dotted eighth
  s = sixteenth note        S = dotted sixteenth
  t = 32nd note             T = dotted 32nd
  x = 64th note             X = dotted 64th
  ^ = triplet

==                Created with a demo version of BUCKET O' TAB                ==
==                  tablature creation software for Windows                   ==
==                      For more info email                       ==
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