Undo by Rush Of Fools  before you play the song i've put the way you play each
chord at the bottom so look at it first. I figured out the name of the C chord at 
the bottom it is actually called a C9 so that way now you wont get confused with 
the 2 Cs on the tab.
Capo 2nd fret

C (x32010@1)                 C9 (x3233x@1)  AM   
I've been here before, now here I am again

C (x32010@1)                C9 (x3233x@1) AM
Standing at the door, praying you'll let me back in

F (133211@1)             G (320003@1)                
To label me a prodigal would be

C (x32010@1)                                F (133211@1)                   Gonly (320003@1)scratching the surface of who i've been known to be


C (x32010@1)                      AM
Turn me around, pick me up

F (133211@1)                 GUndo (320003@1)what i've become

C (x32010@1)                      AM
Bring me back to the place

F (133211@1)                    G (320003@1)of forgiveness and grace

C (x32010@1)                      AM
I need you i need your help

F (133211@1)                 GI (320003@1)cant do this myself

         C (x32010@1)  AM             F (133211@1)Your the only one who can undo

G (320003@1)             CAM (x32010@1)F (133211@1)name="chord_320003@1">G 
What i've become

V2-same chords as V1



EM              F (133211@1) 
Make every step lead me back to

EM           F (133211@1)      G (320003@1)The soverign way that You


Im 99% sure this is the way that they play this song so have fun.

Chords:  C (x32010@1)  C9 (x3233x@1) AM     F (133211@1)   G (320003@1)  EM
         0    0    0      0     3    0
         1    1    1      1     3    0
         0    0    2      2     0    0
         2    0    2      3     0    2
         3    2    0      3     2    2
         x    x    x      x     3    0

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