Haunt Me Tab by Sade

Title : Haunt Me
Artist : Sade
Album : Stronger Than Pride
Tabbed By : Jo Lefebure : whiplash@wol.be

Note: I\'ve been looking for the tab to this song for years now and I kinda got
tired of it. Therefor I have decided to write a tab myself (my first one yay !)
There are two ways of playing this beautiful song.
First way : without a capo : Juggles around the Am chord
Second way : capo on 5th fret : this just sounds better if you\'re playing on a
folk guitar like I am and not on an acoustic guitar.
Tuning is normal (EBGDAE). You can find a list of the used chords at the bottom.
Let\'s get to it !

First way : without a capo :

Riff 1 : Intro and Verses

      Am              Am               ????        Ab#5
B|-------1-------|-------1--0----------1----1-|--------1-----|    REPEAT
G|-----2---------|-----2------2--1---1--------|-1---1------1-|      4
D|---2-----------|---2-------------2----------|---2------2---|    TIMES

Riff 2 : Verses

    Am              Am             Asus4/G      Dsus4/B

Some of this (probably most of it) isn\'t correct but it\'s the best I could do considering it\'s hard to 
with the piano going over the guitar.
If anyone has any corrections please mail them to me.
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