
B                               B
i may not be the man i wanted to
B6                               B6
i may not be the king of wit
B                                          B
i may not know the things you need to know
B4                                      B4
i might not measure up quite yet

B                                      B
i may not have the grace of fred astaire
B6                                   B6
i may not have the mind of yung
B                                                  B
i cannot buy the things you need to have
B4                                          B4
but there's something you can't forget

B            B
i love you
B6          B6
i love you
B                                              B
through the fires, and all the hell, it's something i can't stop
B4         B4
i love you

B                               B
it may not seem that i care enough
B6                                    B6
i may not take the time to say
B                                      B
you can't leave me standing here alone
B4                                         B4
until you hear what i have to say

B            B
i love you
B6                   B6
baby, i love you
B                                             B
through the fires and all the hell, it's somehing i can't stop
B4          B4
i love you

solo (same chords)

S S V E | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | B | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | G | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | D | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | A | --------(b9)----2-----(b9)-----14-----16-----14----------------------------------- | E | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | S V E | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | B | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | G | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | D | ---------6-----13------18----20---18------------------------------------------ | A | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | E | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | V V E | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | B | ----------------1(b9)---------17--------------16---17--16-14--16-16--14--12--14- | G | --------16-------------16-------------16-------------------------------------- | D | ---16--------------16-------------16------------------------------------------ | A | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | E | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | E | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | B | --12--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | G | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | D | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | A | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | E | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
then it goes back to the "i love you" part. the rythym is a bit hard at first, and to sing while playing it is very hard. if you have a second guitar player or bass, single notes or power chords can be played like this: guitar 1 B guitar 2(bass) B guitar 1 B6 guitar 2 G# guitar 1 B guitar 2 F# guitar 1 B4 guitar 2 E
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