...LITTLE RED ROOSTER... by Sam Cooke

*from 'Night Beat' (1963)*

(Written by Willie Dixon and Chester Arthur Burnett)


E7  D7, A7  E7

Verse 1:

A7 (x02020@1)                D7 (xx0212@1)                 A7 (x02020@1)I got a little red rooster; too lazy to crow for day.
D7 (xx0212@1)                                     A7 (x02020@1)I got a little red rooster; too lazy to crow for day.
         E7 (020130@1)                        D7 (xx0212@1)            A7 (x02020@1)E7He (020130@1)keeps everything in the barn yard, upset in every way.

Verse 2:

A7 (x02020@1)               D7 (xx0212@1)                 A7The (x02020@1)dogs begin to bark, the hounds begin to howl.
    D7 (xx0212@1)                                    A7The (x02020@1)dogs begin to bark, the hounds begin to howl.
E7 (020130@1)                       D7 (xx0212@1)                            A7 (x02020@1)  E7 (020130@1)Watch out all you kinfolk; my little red rooster's on the prowl.

Verse 3:

A7 (x02020@1)               D7 (xx0212@1)        A7I (x02020@1)tell you; he, keeps all the hens, fighting a-mong themselves.
D7 (xx0212@1)                                    A7 (x02020@1)Keeps all the hens fighting among them-selves.
                 E7He (020130@1)don't want no hen in the barnyard,
D7 (xx0212@1)                    A7 (x02020@1) E7 (020130@1)Layin' eggs for nobody else, Lord... yeah.


A7 (x02020@1)D7 (xx0212@1)A7, D7 (xx0212@1)A7, E7 (020130@1)D7 (xx0212@1)A7 (x02020@1)         E7 (020130@1)                            Let me tell everybody...

Verse 4:

A7 (x02020@1)                      D7 (xx0212@1)      A7Now (x02020@1)if you see my little red rooster; send him home.
             D7 (xx0212@1)                                A7Said; (x02020@1)if you see my little red rooster; send him home.
        E7I (020130@1)ain't had no peace in the barn yard,
D7 (xx0212@1)                                A7 (x02020@1)Since my little red rooster's been gone.


E7 (020130@1)    D7 (xx0212@1)    A7 (x02020@1)EADGBE  EADGBE  EADGBE
 x79797  x57575  577655

Tabbed by Joel from cLuMsY, Bristol, England, 2005 (clumsyband@hotmail.com)
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