• Song:

    Mario Kart Love Song

  • Artist:

    Sam Hart

  • Album:

    Mario Kart Love Song

Standard Tuning - Capo 3

Chords Used: C -0-   Gadd11 -0-      -0-  Am -0-    F -0-   Em -0-
               -1-          -1-      -1-     -1-      -1-      -0-
               -0-          -0-      -0-     -2-      -2-      -0-
               -2-          -0-  OR  -3-     -2-      -3-      -2-
               -3-          -2-      -2-     -0-      -3-      -2-
               -3-          -3-      -3-     -0-      -0-      -0-
For simplicity's sake, I'll refer to Gadd11 as G

Intro: C (x32010@1)name="chord_320003@1">G Am (x02210@1)   F (133211@1)           Do do do    dooooo

CYou (x32010@1)be my princess and I'll be your toad
GI'll (320003@1)follow behind you  on rainbow road
AmProtect (x02210@1)you from red shells wherever we go
F (133211@1)      F(2nd (133211@1)fret on and off)
I promise.

CNoone (x32010@1)will touch us if we pick up a star
GIf (320003@1)you spin out you can ride in my car
AmWhen (x02210@1)we slide together we generate sparks
F (133211@1)                F(2nd (133211@1)fret on/off)
in our wheels and our hearts

CThe (x32010@1)finish line
G (320003@1)is just around the bend
AmI'll (x02210@1)pause this game 
Fso (133211@1)our love will never end
          C(2nd (x32010@1)fret on/off)
Let's go again
   G (320003@1)           Am (x02210@1)    FMmmmmmm (133211@1)Ladadadadaaa Hmmmmmm

CThe (x32010@1)blue shell is coming so I'll go ahead
GIf (320003@1)you hang behind it'll hit me instead
Ambut (x02210@1)never look back cause I'm down but not dead
     FI'll (133211@1)catch up to you

Em (022000@1)              FDon't (133211@1)worry about Bowser or DK
Em (022000@1)                                  FEat (133211@1)this glowing mushroom and they'll all fade away

Chorus (2x)

C (2nd fret on/off)

Gto (320003@1)the mushroom cup
    Amand (x02210@1)the flower cup
   Fand (133211@1)the star cup
       Cand (x32010@1)the reverse cup
    G (320003@1)             Am (x02210@1)            F (133211@1)   Cooooooooooooooo (x32010@1)huhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
  Ghooooooo (320003@1)                Amwalawalawalawalawal (x02210@1)                    F (133211@1)        C(2nd (x32010@1)fret on/off)

Great song Sam!

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