Band/Artist: Samantha Title: Youre Beautiful Chords by: VALERA, CHARLIE EDSEL AYUNON Verse: Eb (x43121@3) Ab (xx1114@1) GmYou're (355333@1)my piece of mind in this crazy world Cm (x3101x@1) Ab (xx1114@1) AbmYou're (133111@4)everything I've tried to find Eb (x43121@3)name="chord_x1333x@1">Bb Your love is a peal AbYou're (xx1114@1)my Mona Lisa BbYou're (x1333x@1)my rainbow skies Gm (355333@1) CmAnd (x3101x@1)my only prayer is that you realize Fm (133111@1) Gm (355333@1) Ab (xx1114@1) Bb (x1333x@1)EbYou'll (x43121@3)always be beautiful in my eyes Verse: EbThe (x43121@3)world will turn GmAnd (355333@1)the seasons will change Cm (x3101x@1) Ab (xx1114@1) BbmAnd (x13321@1)all the lessons we will learn EbWill (x43121@3)be beautiful and strange Bb (x1333x@1) AbWe'll (xx1114@1)have our feel of tears BbOur (x1333x@1)share of sight Gm (355333@1) CmMy (x3101x@1)only prayer is that you realize Fm (133111@1) Gm (355333@1) Ab (xx1114@1)Bb (x1333x@1)EbYou'll (x43121@3)always be beautiful in my eyes Chorus: Bb (x1333x@1) EbYou'll (x43121@3)always be beautiful in my eyes BbAnd (x1333x@1)the passing years will show AbThat (xx1114@1)you will always grow Verse: (do Stanza Chords) And there are lines upon my face From a lifetime comes to embrace For one long last wine We can laugh about how time really flies We won't say goodbye Cause true love never dies You'll be beautiful in my eyes (repeat chorus) Coda: BbThe (x1333x@1)passing years will show AbThat (xx1114@1)you will always grows Gm (355333@1) Fm (133111@1)name="chord_x1333x@1">Bb EbEver (x43121@3)more beautiful in my eyes Can't play "Youre Beautiful"? 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