(Capo on 3)
Intro.: (G) x 4 bars
(G)If you see my number on your phone when you pick it up
Or get a good morning text when you're wakin' up
Or see my truck drivin' by at the end of the day
If you get a letter in the mail from me now and then
Or find a note on your door from me checkin' in
If I send you a rose or a whole bouquet
Well, pay no (C)mind, I just forget to forget you some-(G)times
It ain't nothin' but a (C)habit, I can break it, I can shake it, I can make it on my own
Ain't like I really (G)care or I miss you or it matters or I wish you weren't gone
Don't think I'm that (Em)God, I gotta get you back, (G/F#)probably never gonna get (C)over you kind
I just forget to forget you some-(G)times
(G) I wish you would've caught me out rockin' last night
Instead of catchin' me sittin' through this green light
Baby, I was on a roll 'til I heard that song
It ain't nothin' but a ghost then it's gone again
Ain't like I'm still stuck in what could 'a been
Every part of me wants to be movin' on
Except the back of my (C)mind, it just forgets to forget you some-(G)times
It ain't nothin' but a (C)habit, I can break it, I can shake it, I can make it on my own
Ain't like I really (G)care or I miss you or it matters or I wish you weren't gone
Don't think I'm that (Em)God, I gotta get you back, (G/F#)probably never gonna get (C)over you kind
I just forget to forget you some-(Em)times
Solo: / / / |(C) |(Em) |(D) |(D)
It ain't nothin' but a (C)habit, I can break it, I can shake it, I can make it on my own
It ain't like I really (G)care or I miss you or it matters or I wish you weren't gone
Don't think I'm that (Em)so lost without you, (G/F#)every thought's about you, (C)holdin' onto somethin'
That's never gonna happen, (Em)God, I gotta get you back, (G/F#)probably never gonna get (C)over you kind
No, it's just that I forget to forget you some-(G)times
Outro.: / / / |(G) Say some-|(G)times |(G) oh, I for-|(G)get to for-|(G)get you some-|(G)times |(G) -----
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