Tombraid Tab by Seahorses This is the intro and the Main Riff, It's not 100% but it's close to it. (1) E||-----------------------------| B||-----------------------------| G||-----------------------------| D||--------------5--------------| A||--------5--7-----7--5--5--7--| E||--0--7-----------------------| (2) NH NH NH NH NH NH E||-----------------------------------------------|| B||-----------------------------------------------|| G||-----------------------------------------------|| D||--------------5--------------------------------|| A||--------5--7-----5--5--5--5--5--5--|| E||--0--7-----------------------------------------|| (3) E||------------------------------|| B||-----------------0--3h--5--0--|| G||------------------------------|| D||--------------5---------------|| A||--------5--7------------------|| E||--0--7------------------------|| There's three parts (1, 2, 3) The order is.... 1 2 1 3 1 variation of 2 variation of 1 ---------------- NH - natural harmonic h - hammer on p - pull off ---------------- If you haven't heard this one, it's on the JSU website - ...... to downloads and download off their unreleased 2nd Album. If you have any corrections, let me know... Ben