guide : x=dead note *note .palm muted this song is in drop d(D A D G B E) (it also sounds good if your guitar is tuned down 1/2 step. this tuning is (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) all of the tunings i listed are from low to high. song:fleshold by:shadows fall you need: guitar with a distortion pedal or overide(the button on your amp).a thick pick sounds good also. intro e------------------------ b------------------------ g------------------------ d----7-7--2-3-2-3-2-0----(9times) a----7-7--2-3-2-3-2-0----*every 3 times increase the 7to 8 to 7 d----7-7--2-3-2-3-2-0---- . . . . . . verse 1&2 e--------------------(about15 times) b-------------------- *sometimes the strumming pattern changes g-------------------- one time is after he said, my pain is d-------------------- all inside until rozor &arm collide of* a--4-4-5-4-5-4-0----- my heart opoun the floor take my blood d--2-2-5-2-5-2-0----- but you take more.(after the*is when this happens) pm ............. chorus e---------------------------------(about5 times) b--------------------------------- g--------------------------------- d---4-5-6-5-7--4-5-6-5------------ a---4-5-6-5-7--4-5-6-5------------ d---4-5-6-5-7--4-5-6-5------------ break e--------------------------------- b--------------------------------- g--------------------------------- d--------------------------------- a----4-5-444-3---444-4-5- 444-2-1-(4times) d----4-5-444-3---444-4-5--444-2-1- pm ... ... ... intro verse verse break intro riff ANY COMMENTS EMAIL ME @ IBENEZPOWERCHORD@AOL.COM(also rate my tab) merry christmas & happy new year