Chords by Joan?s Genius 2009

Intro:  F5 Bb5 C#5 F5 Bb5 C5
Verse 1: 
F5                Bb5          C#5        F5
Wounds won't last long, but an insulting song
           Bb5    C5         F5
Burns will always carry with him
        F5        Bb5          C#5    F5
So I'll settle my score on the salsa floor
          Bb5      C5    F5
With this vengeful Latin rhythm

Bb5    F5
Bb5        C5     F5
Con el coraz?n de perro
      Bb5    F5
Se?or Burns!
     Bb5        C5
El diablo con dinero

Verse 2:
   F5         Bb5            C#5           F5
It may not surprise you, but all of us despise you
       Bb5     F5
Please die and fry 
   Bb5       F5
In hell, you rotten
Bb5       C5
Rich, old wretch!
        F5      C5 F5
Adi?s viejo!
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