• Song:

    Frail And Bedazzled

  • Artist:

    Smashing Pumpkins

                       S M A S H I N G   P U M P K I N S


                     F R A I L   A N D   B E D A Z Z L E D

                                PISCES ISCARIOT
                           (c) Virgin Records (1994)

                                 Drop D Tuning
                                    D A  D G

         Note that the tuning is actually 25 cents higher than stated.

                                 Tempo = 114 BPM
                               Time Signature = 4/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN
                           pmtabs (@t) gmail [dot] com

                                   Version 1.0
                               16th November 2010

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 p         -  Pull-Off
 h         -  Hammer-On
 (/)       -  Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 REST      -  Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space

Part 1:                                                   [ Time 00:00 - 00:26 ]

Rest for 3 bars

||--R--    --------------||
||--E--    --------------||
||--S--    ----5-----5---||
||--T--    --7-----7-----||

||--------------------------------|-----------------------------| |
||--------------------------------|-------------------5-----5---|*| x 4
||--7--7-7-0-5-5-7--7-7-7-0-5-5-5-|--7--7-7-0-5-5-5-7-----7-----| |

Part 2:                                                   [ Time 00:26 - 00:44 ]

||-----------------------------|-----------------------------| |
||---------5------------5--5-5-|---------5------------5--5-5-|*| x 4
||--7--7-7-----7--7-7-7--------|--7--7-7-----7--7-7-7--------| |


Part 3:                                                   [ Time 00:44 - 01:10 ]

Repeat Part 1 twice, rest for one and a half bars then repeat for a further
three times, replacing the final bar with the following:


Part 4:                                                   [ Time 01:10 - 01:27 ]


|----------------------------|----------------------------------| |
|----5----5----5----5--5--5--|--(5\4)-0-0-0--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-|*| x 2
|--7----7----7----7----------|----------------------------------| |

Part 5:                                                   [ Time 01:27 - 01:44 ]

||----------------------------|----------------------------------| |
||----------------------------|----------------------------------|*| x 4
||--0-5--0-5--0-5--0-5--5--5--|--(5\4)-0-0-0--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-| |

Part 6:                                                   [ Time 01:44 - 02:09 ]

||----------------------------|----------------------------| |
||--------5-------------------|--------5-------------------|*| x 6
||--0---0------0-5--5-5-5-4-4-|--0---0------0-5--5-5-5-4-4-| |


Rest for 7 bars before continuing                         [ Time 02:29 - 02:28 ]

Repeat Part 2 eight times then play the following:        [ Time 02:28 - 02:54 ]


Outro:                                                    [ Time 02:54 - 03:17 ]

||--------------------------------|-----------------------------| |
||--------------------------------|-------------------5-----5---|*| x 3
||--7--7-7-0-5-5-7--7-7-7-0-5-5-5-|--7--7-7-0-5-5-5-7-----7-----| |


|--0-5--     \    -0----||


Tab summary:        Part 1 x 6
                    Part 2 x 2
                    Part 3 x 1
                    Part 4 x 1
                    Part 5 x 4
                    Part 6 x 4
                    Part 2 x 8
                    Outro x 1

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