During the Harmonica solo the Song changes key to C so the progression is 
C F G instead of G C D. It is basically the same part as the intro but in
the new key. 

In Rhythm Figure 1 he plays the little lick every other time through the

(Intro: Play 4 Times)                                                     

     G                                C                         D

(Rhythm Figure 1 Repeat as necessary)
I know she got everything she want 

     G               C              A7                            (Little

I know she got everything she need
     G               C              A7                                    

I know she needs me                                 more than she knows   
   G                  C             A7

      She come on so          sweet and kind,  
    C                                          D

      I wonder if I'm          on her mind
     C                                         D

       She always                       Turns away                
     C                                         D

 I know I'll get her       one of these days
   C (Palm Mute)          D                                               

(Harmonica Solo,  Key Change) Repeat as necessary  
  C                                  F                         G
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