----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another good song by them singing Automatons, was surprised to not see it up here already : P A TON of Minor chords and Ostinatos Enjoy ;D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Moonlight Night! Banjo/Accordion intro Dm (xx0231@1) BbOne (x1333x@1)moonlight night in the bayou a silhouette F (133211@1) CThe (x32010@1)air was sweet and the fog was vi-o-let Dm (xx0231@1) BbThe (x1333x@1)gators were all drinking tea, in a dreamy pantsless glee F (133211@1) CI (x32010@1)saw a suspendered man, a banjo holstered in his hands. Dm (xx0231@1) Bb (x1333x@1) He had biggest red suspenders I ever did see, golly gee that's what I've seen F (133211@1) CHe (x32010@1)flicked the brim of his hat, and this is what he said to me. Dm (xx0231@1) Bb"Mister (x1333x@1)robot ah am The Suspender Man F (133211@1) CAnd (x32010@1)dis banjo 'as shown me dah promised land. Dm (xx0231@1) BbNow (x1333x@1)ah play a song but in return, yoo put dat shiny coin right 'ere in mah urn. F (133211@1) CAnd (x32010@1)ah play yoo sumfin fine. Mah music gonna blow yo mind!" Dm (xx0231@1) Gm (355333@1)So I flicked my coin into his pot, I gotta admit it twasn't a lot Dm (xx0231@1) Two cents and then his fingers wriggled, Che (x32010@1)plucked those strings and belched a giggle. DmHe (xx0231@1)tapped his foot, howled like a hound Gm (355333@1) DmIgniting (xx0231@1)up the unholy sound. DmAnd (xx0231@1)I ain't never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, Am7never, (x02010@1)never, never, never, never, never, never, never, C (x32010@1) Dmnever, (xx0231@1)never, never, never, never, heard anything so great. DmCall (xx0231@1)the vendors. BbBig (x1333x@1)Suspenders. F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) DmThat's (xx0231@1)what everybody wants to wear. DmThey (xx0231@1)stretch to Nantucket. BbPut (x1333x@1)them in a bucket F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) DmAnd (xx0231@1)send them to the gnome trapped down the well Dm(Tug (xx0231@1)'em with thumbs is ideal) Dm(While (xx0231@1)rollin' back on your heels) Dm (Let ring) (Yeah) He played the two cent show DmAnd (xx0231@1)just like that he stopped playing BbMy (x1333x@1)jaw dropped to the floor. FHe (133211@1)cracked his neck and smiled at me, And said, C (x32010@1) "Buddy, y'gotta pay for more!" DmBut (xx0231@1)by then a crowd had swarmed the swamp, Bbtossin' (x1333x@1)coin in after coin. Dm (xx0231@1) DmSo (xx0231@1)he cleared his throat, and his fingers writhed, Bb (x1333x@1) Dmand (xx0231@1)everyone shouted for Suspender Guy. DmCall (xx0231@1)the vendors BbBig (x1333x@1)Suspenders F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) Dm (xx0231@1) That's what grandma wants for her birthday DmThey're (xx0231@1)bright red and awesome BbEven (x1333x@1)worn by opossums F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) DmNobody (xx0231@1)wants their pants to fall down Dm(Ma (xx0231@1)and Pappy want 'em too) Dm(Even (xx0231@1)the ghost of your Uncle Stu) Dm(let Ring) (Yeah) He played the two cent show Fracture dat banjo! (Under Banjo Solo) Dm, Bb, F, C x4 DmAll (xx0231@1)the children sing and dance BbThose (x1333x@1)banjo sounds instill a trance DmBy (xx0231@1)4 AM the press what hot CSuspender (x32010@1)Man on the front page spot DmSuspenders (xx0231@1)were in and spats were out BbThe (x1333x@1)girls all suffered from fainting bouts DmThe (xx0231@1)banjos flew off the shelves Bb (x1333x@1) FSprouting (133211@1)wings with dreams C (x32010@1) Dmof (xx0231@1)being played by Suspender Man. DmBut (xx0231@1)in the middle of February Bbthe (x1333x@1)fog turned a crimson red FThe (133211@1)Suspender Man disappeared, C (x32010@1) Dmeveryone (xx0231@1)was heels over head Dm (xx0231@1) But we found his suspenders and that old banjo Bbsittin' (x1333x@1)right here on his log DmAnd (xx0231@1)though he's gone, Dmthat's (xx0231@1)what he gets C (x32010@1) Dmfor (xx0231@1)selling his soul to the bog DmBig (xx0231@1)Suspenders BbPut (x1333x@1)them in a blender F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) DmThree (xx0231@1)bat teeth and a blackened gypsy eye DmBring (xx0231@1)it to a boil BbRelease (x1333x@1)your mortal coil F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) DmOut (xx0231@1)pops a belt to wear for you and me- Dm (xx0231@1) C (x32010@1) DmNobody (xx0231@1)wants their pants to fall down- Dm (xx0231@1) C (x32010@1) DmYou (xx0231@1)could wear a dress and then...you'd have no need Dm(The (xx0231@1)alligators had it right) Dm(Wearing (xx0231@1)pants it sure does bite) Dm (let ring) (Yeah) DmHe (xx0231@1)played the two cent show...... 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