Song is from the movie Quest for Camelot
I noticed these chords weren't anywhere to find, so I figured I'd put them up. 
This is my first time posting chords, and they are definitely subject to change, 
but they work for me :)

The chords you need are:
   G (320003@1) C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) Eme|-3---0---2---0---| (022000@1)B|-3---1---3---0---|

G (320003@1)                    CI (x32010@1)know the sound of each rock and stone
D (xx0232@1)                        GAnd (320003@1)I embrace what others fear
G (320003@1)                            CYou (x32010@1)are not to roam in this forgotten place
D (xx0232@1)                            GJust (320003@1)the likes of me are welcome here

C (x32010@1)                   GEverything (320003@1)breathes and I know each breath
    DFor (xx0232@1)me it means life
    GFor (320003@1)others it's death
      CIt's (x32010@1)perfectly balanced
 GPerfectly (320003@1)planned
D (xx0232@1)                      C (x32010@1) DMore (xx0232@1)than enough for this man

G (320003@1)               DLike (xx0232@1)every tree stands on its own
D (xx0232@1)                           GReaching (320003@1)for the sky I stand alone
           Em (022000@1)               CI (x32010@1)share my world with no one else
          G (320003@1)DAll (xx0232@1)by myself
          GI (320003@1)stand alone

(cool little yodel)

C (x32010@1)                        GI've (320003@1)seen your world with these very eyes
       D (xx0232@1)              GDon't (320003@1)come any closer, don't even try
      C (x32010@1)                    GI've (320003@1)felt all the pain and heard all the lies
       D (xx0232@1)                       C (x32010@1) DBut (xx0232@1)in my world there's no compromise

G (320003@1)               DLike (xx0232@1)every tree stands on its own
D (xx0232@1)                        GReaching (320003@1)for the sky I stand alone
           Em (022000@1)               CI (x32010@1)share my world with no one else
          G (320003@1) DAll (xx0232@1)by myself
         EmI (022000@1)stand alone
         G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1)         EmAll (022000@1)by myself I stand alone
         G (320003@1)  D (xx0232@1)        GAll (320003@1)by myself I stand alone
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