• Song:

    Texas Flood

  • Artist:

    Stevie Ray Vaughan

  • Album:

    Tokyo '85

Texas Flood - Stevie Ray Vaughan               Tabbed by: xSpeed Killsx

h - hammer on         Tuning Eb (E Flat) : Eb  Ab  Db  Gb  Bb  Eb
p - pull off          (Just Tuned down half a step)
/ - slide
b - bend
r - return
(x) - Let note ring
x - muted note
~ - vibrato









          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           ~~~~~~~~~~~
|--3-------------------------------------------------------|  Those squiggly lines above the measure
|--3-------------------------------------------------------|  mean to hold out the notes. Like when
|------5b--------------------------5b----5p3---------------|  you bend the 5, let it ring until you
|----------------------------------------------------------|  bend it again. The when you pull off 
|----------------------------------------------------------|  that 3, let it ring









       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                ~~~~~~




                              ~~~~~~~~                    ~~~~~~~

And thats all I have for right now. The song is kind of long, so the rest may take a while
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