• Song:

    The Realiztion

  • Artist:

    Tail Side Up

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I really only have the lyrics to this song so far, but I will add the tabs as soon as i write them.

The pain the anguish the realization
That all this time I lived a lie
I hope you can forgive me now
For the things I have to say
But now the truth has to came out
You finally will know

The truth the secrets the lies
Were all I knew for years
I wanted to run away from here
But never had the guts
So this is how I tell myself
That none of it's my fault

The sweat the blood the tears
Is what I gave for you
My freinds have been so good to me
I wish you could've too
The time I spend with you I dread
Cause it always ends in hurt

The things that took me away from you
Were all that kept me sane
I needed support here guys
You haven't got a clue
Cause I spent all my childhood
Plotting against you!
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