Credit to Bojangles_Birch for tabbing the beginning.


C (x32010@1)                   Amyou (x02210@1)hang around for a living
C (x32010@1)         Am (x02210@1)          Em (022000@1)         FSomewhere (133211@1)between all the land and the sky
C (x32010@1)               AmBeing (x02210@1)by never forgiving
C (x32010@1)    Am (x02210@1)          Em (022000@1)        FNobody (133211@1)knows you and neither do I
Dm (xx0231@1)G (320003@1) Dm (xx0231@1)Fm (133111@1)C (x32010@1)                    AmBirds (x02210@1)may believe at a distance
C (x32010@1)        Am (x02210@1)          Em (022000@1)      FYou (133211@1)wear a grin and keep perfectly still
C (x32010@1)              AmDriven (x02210@1)away with persistence
C (x32010@1)      Am (x02210@1)         EmI (022000@1)wonder if they have wondered
   F (133211@1)       Dm (xx0231@1) G (320003@1)     Dm (xx0231@1)   FmOr (133111@1)will ever wonder, ever wonder

C (x32010@1)                       AmFarmer (x02210@1)Jim hums when he's all alone
C (x32010@1)      Am (x02210@1)      Em (022000@1)         FHe (133211@1)may imagine you heard and he knew
C (x32010@1)                       AmYou (x02210@1)wouldn't hear what he might have known
C (x32010@1)      Am (x02210@1)       Em (022000@1)       F (133211@1)      Dm (xx0231@1)   GI (320003@1)wonder whether he wonders if you ever wonder
     Dm (xx0231@1)   FmEver (133111@1)wonder


GScarecrow (320003@1)Dm (xx0231@1)      GMaybe (320003@1)the wind knows
Dm (xx0231@1)        GWhether (320003@1)you wonder
      Dm (xx0231@1)          G (320003@1) DmWho's (xx0231@1)calling your name
GScarecrow (320003@1)Dm (xx0231@1)      GMaybe (320003@1)the wind knows
Dm (xx0231@1)        GWhether (320003@1)you wonder
Dm (xx0231@1)          FIf (133211@1)you are to blame

C Am C G-Am-F

C (x32010@1)                           AmMother (x02210@1)Earth's love whispered to me (and it wasn't her fault)
C (x32010@1)       Am (x02210@1)        Em (022000@1)       FReal (133211@1)is a feeling and feeling is real
C (x32010@1)                    AmAll (x02210@1)of you are flowing through me
    C (x32010@1)          Am (x02210@1)        Em (022000@1)      FBut (133211@1)you wouldn't know how to fathom or feel
         Dm (xx0231@1)       GWhen (320003@1)the wind blows
    DmThe (xx0231@1)wind knows
    FmThe (133111@1)wind knows


GScarecrow (320003@1)Dm (xx0231@1)      GMaybe (320003@1)the wind knows
Dm (xx0231@1)        GWhether (320003@1)you wonder
      Dm (xx0231@1)         G (320003@1)  DmWho's (xx0231@1)calling your name

D (xx0232@1)       Am (x02210@1)   DShame (xx0232@1)how nobody knows you
Am (x02210@1)     D (xx0232@1)        Am (x02210@1)       FOnly (133211@1)who wonders if you are to blame

Em (022000@1)                     A7Saving (x02020@1)the grain of your golden domain
C (x32010@1)                    EWithout (022100@1)even reasoning why
    Em (022000@1)                         AThe (x02220@1)crows seem to know where you need them to go
C (x32010@1)                       B (x2444x@1)                      E: 076x0x
Igniting a spark in their minds so they circle and fly
D/E: x7777x

E (022100@1)  D/EFly (000232@1) Fly    X7

D/E (000232@1)C (x32010@1)                   AmYou (x02210@1)hang around for a living
C (x32010@1)          Am (x02210@1)        Em (022000@1)   FBlown (133211@1)in the wind like a pinned butterfly
C (x32010@1)             AmMonarch (x02210@1)of ever forgiving
C (x32010@1)        Am (x02210@1)      Em (022000@1)        FSome (133211@1)of us wonder if you want to die

Dm G

Dm (xx0231@1)        FmWould (133111@1)you want to die?
      CHow (x32010@1)I wonder
     FEver (133211@1)wonder
     CEver (x32010@1)wonder
     FEver (133211@1)wonder

(The wind knows)

to fade

During the "Fly" section, E and D/E could also be played as E:022100 and D/E:x02232.
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