( E5 C5 ) Twenty-eight days of rain... Flash floods in February Back in our boats again... Bath water and the baby What am I gonna do? There's been a lot of drinking Looking at ghosts of you... While all the world is sinking... ( G5 A5 C5 ) B5 Ten thousand miles into the atmosphere My body shakes... Is there a welcome here? ( B5 C5 ) A5 Closest thing to heaven! How do you do it? Closest thing to heaven... heaven! ( E5 C5 ) Throw your arms round the world... Make love your destination Here we go boys and girls... Act like a generation Gimme that ball and chain... By now it must be hurting Dragging your feet again... Just like a beast of burden... ( G5 A5 C5 ) B5 When one and one, and one, and one make two... I know I'm high because I've captured you... Yeah! ( B5 C5 ) A5 Closest thing to heaven! Yeah, it's you! Closest thing to heaven... Heaven! ( F5 G5 ) A5 Look the world right in the eye!!! Eat the countries that are making billions... Sweet as homemade apple pie!!! Saved by crumbs for all the starving millions... Yeah! ( C5 B5 ) Closest thing to heaven... Heaven... Closest thing to heaven... Heaven... (fade out...)