Tuning: Half-Step Down

B= Bend the note

---(b9)(b9) 9 9 9 (b9) 9(b9)--------5-5---5-5-5-5---55---------------|
---(b9)(b9) 9 9 9 (b9) 9(b9)--------5-5---5-5-5-5---55---------------|    x4
---7-7- 7 7 7 7- 77---------3-3---3-3-3-3---33---------------|

Main Riff:
------------------------------------------------------| x4

Frankie does this i think during the main riff:
             bend these half way

Verse: Same as the main riff.

Chorus: Guitar One
Play this the whole chorus.

Chorus: Guitar Two

After this, play the main riff twice.

Verse: Same as main riff.


Bridge: First, slide you finger up and down the strings by the pickups.
Then, play this along with the piano.

Play the main riff during the solo.

Chorus: Play it twice

Then play the main riff, and that lick from beginning is used again.
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