-----8----8-6-6-5-6-5--   Intro x5

--8-----0-----5-----8(x7)    Verse x1

--5(x6)-5-----8(x6)-8------     Interlude x1

--8--8--5--3--8-(Hold)-   Chorus x2

Repeat Verse
Repeat Interlude
Repeat Chorus

--5--8--   Bridge X2

Then Play Bb Alot until second intro

-----------------------------------     Second Intro play a couple times

--8--8--5--3---    x2

Repeat Chorus

Submitter = cmoncmonlistintoyourmoneytalks
i got this off of ultimate guitar because it was not on this site so i put it on 
p.s. i didnt copy and paste this and you shouldnt either
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