This is a song The Band would open or close their concert with. It was originally done by Marvin Gaye. (Standard Tuning: E B G D A E) The song is simple: G (320003@1)C (x32010@1) Bb (x1333x@1)GE|--3--------------3-| (320003@1)B|--3--5-5--5---3--3-| G|--4--5-5--5---3--4-| D|--5--5-5--5---3--5-| A|--5--3-3--3---1--5-| E|--5--------------3-| Repeat this throught the entire song. Solo over these chords in C minor. Improvise around those chords to make it more interesting. Here's a riff to get your started. E|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|-----3--3h5~-5p3-----| D|--/5---5---------5~~~| A|---------------------| E|---------------------|