Hey Jude

Why nobody has corrected the 6 versions of this classic song yet is beyond me.

Cappo is on 1st

		      E (022100@1)              B (x2444x@1)	Hey Jude dont make it bad
		     E (022100@1)B7 (x21202@1)                       E (022100@1)	take a (x02210@1)sad   song  and make it better
		 A (x02220@1)                           E (022100@1)	Remember to let her into your heart
		                   B (x2444x@1)             E (022100@1)	and then you can start to make it better

		      E (022100@1)            B (x2444x@1)	Hey Jude dont be afraid
		      E (022100@1) B7 (x21202@1)                         E (022100@1)	you were made    to  go   out and get her
		     A (x02220@1)                            E (022100@1)	The minute you let her under your skin
		           B (x2444x@1)              E (022100@1)   E7 (020130@1)	then you begin to make it better

		                          A (x02220@1)      Am (x02210@1) F#m (244222@1)	And anytime you feel the pain hey jude refrain
		      F#m7 (131141@2)     B (x2444x@1)                E (022100@1)  E7 (020130@1)	dont carry the world upon your shoulders
		                              A (x02220@1)      Am (x02210@1)    F#m (244222@1)	For well you know that its afool (x02210@1)who plays it cool
		     F#m7 (131141@2)     B (x2444x@1)             E (022100@1)	by making his world  alittle (x02210@1)colder

		 E (022100@1)      D (xx0232@1)      A (x02220@1)           E (022100@1)	Na Na Na Nananana Nananana Hey Jude

Etc etc

Someone is more than welcome to finish/perfect this, but for now I need sleep. (Which 
be a lot easier knowing people will be playing the right chords for this song)

Oh and this is my first :)

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