Artist-The Birthday Massacre
Song-"Remember Me"

I've never seen a tab on any site for this band, so I dunno if anyone knows who they are. I think there's only one main guitar part, and the rest is synthesizers and stuff. I have most of the synth down, but not the second chorus, but I'm working on it. If you have anything to say/add, email me at or just comment.

This song is in some really odd tuning. At first, I thought it was standard, but then I realized that my guitar was out of tune, so I tuned it down, and thought it was half-step down, but everytime I play along, it sounds crappy. So, just tune your gee-tar half step down, then tune it up along with the song. It's in between standard and half step. Make sense?

The song has this main riff, which you play several times:



For the first chorus and post-chorus, there's these little... things, and I haven't figured them out yet.

The next part I have is the synth leads in the second (heavy) chorus. I didn't really demonstrate a strumming pattern because there isn't really one, so you'll have to figure it out yourself (sorry!)


Do that twice, and then on the second time, do this for an interlude thingy (Again, strumming not shown, and slide to all the notes.):


Hold the 4 to do this thing:


Then you do the main riff for a little while. That's all I have now for you, my friends. If you wanna yell at me, go ahead, lol.

Much love,
~Jade Havok 13
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