#Artist: The Black Box Revelation	 #
#Song: Our Town Has Changed For Years Now#
#Album: Silver Threats			 #
#Tab Credits: Bladerkeuh		 #
#Tuning: Eb (x43121@3)name="chord_x02220@1">A D (xx0232@1)name="chord_320003@1">G B (x2444x@1)name="chord_022100@1">E		         #

Low E string tuned half a step down to Eb 
(like the string resonates on the 7th
fret with the open a-string in drop D, 
it now resonates on the 6th fret with the
a string played open).

Finger that is placed on the note:
1: index finger
2: middle finger
3: ring finger
4: little finger

d: downstroke
u: upstroke
P.M.: palm mute

Intro + verse
Try to let the strings ring as long as possible, therefore
I have put the fingers above, so you see that you'll be
holding a chord that you can hold to let the strings ring

   3       4  1 3 2  3 3 1 3 3 1

In this part, you'll have to be able to stretch your fingers a little
bit. Also, it's important to keep playing in a certain rhythm
with your thumb and other fingers, because some of the notes are what 
they call dead notes (they are played, you can't clearly here them,
but if you don't play them, the riff sounds empty).
I'll put those notes between brackets, and if you can play the riff well
enough, you can play them too. Those notes accualy are just some
bass-notes, so you always have to play a bass note, other note,
bass note, ... in a strickt and even rhythm.

2x		   2
   3 1 3 1  3  4 3 1  3 1  3 4  3  1 1 3

("our town has changed...")
			   d (xx0231@1)du (xx0231@1)d|---------------------------------------------------| (xx0231@1)|--------------------------2--2-2-2-----------------|

2x		   2
   3 1 3 1  3  4 3 1  3 1  3 4  3  1 1 3

   3       4  1 3 2  3 3 1 3 3 1

2x		   2
   3 1 3 1  3  4 3 1  3 1  3 4  3  1 1 3

   3       4  1 3 2  3 3 1 3 3 1

2x		   2
   3 1 3 1  3  4 3 1  3 1  3 4  3  1 1 3

("our town has changed...")
			   d (xx0231@1)du (xx0231@1)d|---------------------------------------------------| (xx0231@1)|--------------------------2--2-2-2-----------------|

   3 1 3 1  3  4 3 1  3 1  3 4  3  1 1 3

("our town has changed...")
			   d (xx0231@1)du (xx0231@1)d|---------------------------------------------------| (xx0231@1)|--------------------------2--2-2-2-----------------|


		   u d|-----------------------|----------------------------| (xx0231@1)|-----------------------|----------------------------|

   3       4  1 3 2  3 3 1 3 3 1

x2		   2
   3 1 3 1  3  4 3 1  3 1  3 4  3  1 1 3

   3       4  1 3 2  3 3 1 3 3 1

x2		   2
   3 1 3 1  3  4 3 1  3 1  3 4  3  1 1 3


3       4  1  3 2  P.M.------

Enjoy this great song!

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