The Civil Wars Hunger Games Soundtrack Kingdom Come Tabbed by: Aaron91 Tuning: Standard Capo: 7th Fret NOTES: 1) Am Riff - This is played throughout the song |--0-0--0-0-0---------| |--1-1--1p0h1---------| |--2-2--2-2-2---------| |--2-2--2-2-2---------| |--0-0--0-0-0------0--| |--------------0-3----| 2) Chord Strumming - In this song JPW seems to do a Down-Down Up-Down-Up pattern for most of the chords played ==Intro== Am (x02210@1)==Verse== AmRun, (x02210@1)run, run away AmBuy (x02210@1)yourself another day Dm (xx0231@1) AmA (x02210@1)cold wind's whispering E (022100@1) AmSecrets (x02210@1)in your ear Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) E (022100@1) G (320003@1) ESo (022100@1)low only you can hear Ho - oh ==Verse== AmRun, (x02210@1)run, run and hide AmSomewhere (x02210@1)no one else can find Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) E (022100@1) AmTall (x02210@1)trees bend their lean pointing where to go Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) E (022100@1) G (320003@1) EWhere (022100@1)you will still be all alone Ho - oh ==Chorus== |----------------------------------| |------1--------1------1--------1--| |----2--------0------0--------0----| |--3------0h2------0---------------| |-------------------------0h3------| |----------------------------------| |------------0--------| |--------3------------| |----------0-----0----| |------0-------0------| |--0h2-------------2--| |---------------------| |----------------------------------| |------1--------1------1--------1--| |----2--------0------0--------0----| |--3------0h2------0---------------| |-------------------------0h3------| |----------------------------------| |------------0--------| |--------3------------| |----------0-----0----| |------0-------0------| |--0h2-------------2--| |---------------------| |----------------------------------| |------1--------1------1--------1--| |----2--------0------0--------0----| |--3------0h2------0---------------| |-------------------------0h3------| |----------------------------------| |------------0--------------0--------------0--------| |--------3--------------3--------------3------------| |----------0-----0--------0-----0--------0-----0----| |------0-------0------0-------0------0-------0------| |--0h2-------------2--------------2--------------2--| |---------------------------------------------------| Am (x02210@1)==Verse== AmRun (x02210@1)fast as you can AmNo (x02210@1)one has to understand Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) E (022100@1) AmFly (x02210@1)high across the sky from here to kingdom come Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) E (022100@1) G (320003@1) EFall (022100@1)back down to where you're from Oo - oo ==Chorus== Dm (xx0231@1) C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) Am (x02210@1) GDon't (320003@1)you fret my dear Dm (xx0231@1) C (x32010@1) G (320003@1)Am (x02210@1) GIt'll (320003@1) all be ov-er soon Dm (xx0231@1) C (x32010@1)G (320003@1) Am (x02210@1) G (320003@1) E (022100@1) GI'll (320003@1)be wai- ting he-ee-ee-ere Amfor (x02210@1)you Am (x02210@1) DmFor (xx0231@1)you, for you F G (hammer-on the A string - 0h2) |----------------------------------| |------1--------1------1--------1--| |----2--------0------0--------0----| |--3------0h2------0---------------| |-------------------------0h3------| |----------------------------------| |------------0--------| |--------3------------| |----------0-----0----| |------0-------0------| |--0h2-------------2--| |---------------------| |----------------------------------| |------1--------1------1--------1--| |----2--------0------0--------0----| |--3------0h2------0---------------| |-------------------------0h3------| |----------------------------------| |------------0--------| |--------3------------| |----------0-----0----| |------0-------0------| |--0h2-------------2--| |---------------------| |----------------------------------| |------1--------1------1--------1--| |----2--------0------0--------0----| |--3------0h2------0---------------| |-------------------------0h3------| |----------------------------------| |------------0------0000--| |--------3----------1111--| |----------0-----0--2222--| |------0-------0----2222--| |--0h2--------------0000--| |-------------------------| Dm (xx0231@1) C (x32010@1)G (320003@1) Am (x02210@1) GDon't (320003@1)you fret my dear oh Dm (xx0231@1)C (x32010@1)G (320003@1)name="chord_x02210@1">Am GIt'll (320003@1) all be ov-er soon Dm (xx0231@1) C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) Am (x02210@1)G (320003@1)E (022100@1)GI'll (320003@1)be wai- ting he-ee-ere AmFor (x02210@1)you ==Outro== Am (x02210@1)Any recommendations/changes will be appreciated! 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