• Song:

    There Is No If...

  • Artist:

    The Cure

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B5                       A5
Remember the first time I told you I love you
        E5                   E5
It was raining hard and you never heard
     B5                          A5
You sneezed! And I had to say it over
           E5                           E5
?I said I love you? I said? you didn?t say a word 
     B5                    A5
just held your hands to my shining eyes
    E5                                    E5
and watched as the rain ran through your fingers
B5                    A5                 E5                      E5
held your hands to my shining eyes and smiled as you kissed me

        G5                    E5
?If you die? you said ?so do I? you said?
        A5                 A5
and it starts the day you make the sign
 G5                   E5                       A5      A5
?Tell me I?m forever yours and you?re forever mine??
        D5                    A5
?If you die? you said ?so do I? you said?
        B5                          E5
And it starts the day you cross that line
 D5                       A5                         B5      E5
?Swear I will always be yours and you?ll always be mine
                 A5      A5
You?ll always be mine?
          G5       G5
Always be mine??

 |  |  G5  |  E5  |  G5  |  E5  |  | 

   B5                    A5
Remember the last time I told I love you 
       E5                    E5
It was warm and safe in our perfect world
    B5                         A5
You yawned and I had to say it over
          E5                            E5
?I said I love you? I said? you didn?t say a word
     B5                      A5
just held your hands to your shining eyes 
      E5                                    E5
and I watched as the tear ran through your fingers
B5                      A5                E5      E5
held your hands to your shining eyes and cried?

        G5                    E5
?If you die? you said ?so do I? you said ?
       A5                    A5
But it ends the day you see how it is

      G5                   E5     A5      A5
There is no always forever? just this
        D5                    A5
?If you die? you said ?so do I? you said 
       B5                     E5
But it ends the day you understand 
      A5       A5      G5      G5
There is no if? just and
      G5     E5       G5
There is no if? just and
      G5     E5
There is no if?
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