• Song:

    Writing On A Wall

  • Artist:

    The Dear Hunter

  • Album:

    Act III: Life and Death

Tabbed by: Tyler Gjersee

Pretty simple song for guitar, not so for vocals. If there are any mistakes
comment or e-mail me. The lyrics may not be perfect as well.

D5           A5   D5          A5  Bb5            F5 A5
Ooooooooooooooh  Ooooooooooooh   Oooooooooooooh Ooooooooooooh

D5                                              A5
Come away young man where the ground is red and you need a mask to breathe

D5                                                     A5
Oh it?s been so hard but you?ll like the change if you just roll up your sleeves. 

Bb5                                   F5
We had traveled past the road before but it didn?t get you far

now only you can unleash to them your agonizing scar

D5                                            A5              
Open eyes young man with your ready hands and all prepared for pain 

D5                                                A5
You will lose much more in the vicious war as the present stays the 

Bb5                                               F5
but the time to come will be all too soon if you listen to our song

A5                                                    A5   G5    F5   E5
Where we sing in vain and the fact remains there was nothing carried 

D5         F5     C5      A5      Bb5    F5     C5  A5      D5     
down                                                 /\
                                                 First chord of
                                               ?In Caude Venenum?

Changing A chords to A7 gives this song some cool inflections.
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