This is The Flatliner's cover of Dead To Me's 'Arrhythmic Palpitations' 
From what I can gather he's singing the lyrics a little differently.

C/B:    F:
e|-x-| |-x-|
B|-1-| |-1-|
G|-0-| |-2-|
D|-0-| |-3-|
A|-2-| |-0-|
E|-x-| |-x-|

Intro: C, C/B, Am, C/B, (x2)

Verse 1:
C (x32010@1)                   C/B (x2555x@1)                 Am (x02210@1)   C/BIn (x2555x@1)the middle of the night I can do it just right 
   C (x32010@1)           C/B (x2555x@1)            Am (x02210@1)   C/BIt (x2555x@1)seemed like a good idea at the time

C (x32010@1)              FAnd (133211@1)the morning I will  
      AmSay (x02210@1)goodbye 
      F (133211@1)                C (x32010@1)       
With all the things that I've 
C/B (x2555x@1)             AmI've (x02210@1)been running from
G (320003@1)                   F (133211@1)   F(Argpeggio) (133211@1) 
Remember how scary it was? 
GFunny (320003@1)how everything does

Palm-Muted Intro: C, C/B, Am, C/B, (x2)

Verse 2:
C (x32010@1)               C/B (x2555x@1)                 Am (x02210@1)  C/BSo (x2555x@1)I drive right in, but the current is swift 
C (x32010@1)            C/B (x2555x@1)              Am (x02210@1)    C/BMy (x2555x@1)arms won't swim and my legs won't kick

Chorus 2:
C (x32010@1)            F (133211@1)          AmI (x02210@1)start sinking (humiliation)
             F (133211@1)                      CStart (x32010@1)sinking arrhythmic palpitations again 
          C/B (x2555x@1)            AmThen (x02210@1)the walls come tumbling in 
G (320003@1)                    F (133211@1)   F(Argpeggio) (133211@1)
Remember how scary it was?

Link: G

C (x32010@1)       G (320003@1)     Am (x02210@1)         F (133211@1)      
Don't let all the reasons why    
CYou're (x32010@1)here 
G (320003@1)             Am (x02210@1)         FBecome (133211@1)the same reasons why 
CYou (x32010@1)don't... Let 
G (320003@1)     Am (x02210@1)         FAll (133211@1)the reasons why 
CYou're (x32010@1)here
G (320003@1)             Am (x02210@1)         FBecome (133211@1)the same reasons why
C (x32010@1)     
Don't let
G (320003@1)       Am (x02210@1)       FAll (133211@1)the reasons why
CYou're (x32010@1)here
G (320003@1)             Am (x02210@1)         
Become the same reasons why
F (133211@1)       C (x32010@1)     
(Oh and) Don't let
G (320003@1)       Am (x02210@1)       FAll (133211@1)the reasons why
CYou're (x32010@1)here
G (320003@1)         Am (x02210@1)       
Become the reasons why
F (133211@1)     CDon't (x32010@1)say

Link: G, Am

GI (320003@1)promise you 
C (x32010@1)     G, Am (x02210@1)That I 
G (320003@1)          C (x32010@1)  G (320003@1)AmWill (x02210@1)take my time 
GI (320003@1)promise you 
C (x32010@1)     G, AmThat (x02210@1)I 
G (320003@1)              C/GWon't (3x555x@1)waste your time 

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