Hello there, here are the %100 correct chords for this song! It's a great song coming
from a great band. Their new album dropped and it's rad! I uploaded a tab for their new
song off that album called "Birds of England" be sure to check it out! All right, time 
to get back to Monumental...

Here are the chords used throughout the song:

***No Capo Required***

Eb (x43121@3)       Bb (x1333x@1)        Gm (355333@1)          Cm (x3101x@1)         F (133211@1)       G#6 (xx1114@1)         6           3             3            1         4
8          6           3             4            1         4
8          7           3             5            2         5
8          8           5             5            3         6
6          8           5             3            3         6
6          6           3             x            1         4

Intro Eb Bb F

Eb (x43121@3) Ever since I pulled over

Bb (x1333x@1)                     FI've (133211@1)been looking for you in the strangest places

Eb (x43121@3)                          Bb (x1333x@1)   With desperation painted on my face and I'm shaking

Gm (355333@1)                           CmAs (x3101x@1)I check every car window in the parking lot

GmSwallowing (355333@1)these ashes whole

BbAnd (x1333x@1)know that soon I'll be en route to the hospital


Eb (x43121@3)            Bb (x1333x@1)      Eb (x43121@3)        GmYou (355333@1)think I've got it all 'til tires start to crawl

Eb (x43121@3)        Bb (x1333x@1)                Gm (355333@1)    FI'm (133211@1)asleep at the wheel, this binge is monumental

EbGetting (x43121@3)high in a borrowed car

Bb (x1333x@1)                                Eband (x43121@3)listening to the songs that got me this far into my own head.

Bb (x1333x@1)   Just thinking of this, always thinking of this

Gm (355333@1)                       Cm (x3101x@1)                     G# (xx1114@1)   Put on a pair of sunglasses that turn February grey into everything

Gm (355333@1)                                 Ebyellow. (x43121@3)You'll always want to see as much of the sky

Eb (x43121@3)                   BbAs (x1333x@1)much of the sky as possible


Eb (x43121@3)             Bb (x1333x@1)        Eb (x43121@3)       GmYou'd (355333@1)think I've got it all 'til tires start to crawl

Eb (x43121@3)        Bb (x1333x@1)              Gm (355333@1)        FI'm (133211@1)asleep at the wheel, this binge is monumental

Eb (x43121@3)           Bb (x1333x@1)      Eb (x43121@3)              GmAnd (355333@1)I feel no pain at all when these tires screech down to a halt

Eb (x43121@3)             Bb (x1333x@1)            Gm (355333@1)       F (133211@1) Asleep hitting the wall, this binge is monumental

EbGreet (x43121@3)the world with a poker face
Through empty bottles in a haze

Bb (x1333x@1)                        CmThey (x3101x@1)won't suspect a thing now will they?

EbItemize (x43121@3)your life in a panicked state
So you can sleep at night

Bb (x1333x@1)         CmAnd (x3101x@1)dream about never turning old and grey

Gm (355333@1)                  F (133211@1)          Gm (355333@1)       F (133211@1)  Catching my breath now seems as useless as airplane conversations

G# (xx1114@1)         Gm (355333@1)            Eb (x43121@3)  'cause I enjoy toiling in all of my frustration!

Eb (x43121@3)           Bb (x1333x@1)         Eb (x43121@3)      GmYou (355333@1)think I've got it all 'til tires start to crawl

Eb (x43121@3)       Bb (x1333x@1)               Gm (355333@1)        FI'm (133211@1)asleep at the wheel, this binge is monumental

Eb (x43121@3)          Bb (x1333x@1)       Eb (x43121@3)               GmAnd (355333@1)I feel no pain at all when these tires screech down to a halt

Eb (x43121@3)              Bb (x1333x@1)            Gm (355333@1)       F (133211@1)  Asleep hitting the wall, this binge is monumental

Gm (355333@1)     F (133211@1)             G# (xx1114@1)    Gm (355333@1)       EbMy (x43121@3)skin is peeling from the searing steel surrounding us

Eb Bb

Thanks for learning! I encourage feedback, so any comments or concerns please don't
hesitate to say something.
                                                    Can't play "Monumental"? Improve your playing via easy step-by-step video lessons!

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