• Song:

    Bonfire Sessions

  • Artist:

    The King Fantastic

Hey this is my first tab so don't judge
Sounds great on an acoustic
Really easy song
The King Fantastic
Bonfire Sessions



(Ah…man. Another day, without another doller…)

[Verse 1]
EJust (022100@1)gettin’ in had a long day, kinda rough
GmGot (355333@1)stuck in traffic too, my nerves is extra fucked
AWife (x02220@1)got an attitude, why she got an attitude?
EI (022100@1)don’t fuckin’ know, I’m the one that should be mad dude
EWanna (022100@1)have a drink but the doctor say stop it
GmPull (355333@1)a baggie out’ my pocket, grab my bong out’ the closet And I smoke…
Aand (x02220@1)I ain’t trippin’
EI’m (022100@1)on a fuckin’ mission to get to this kitchen.
EDon’t (022100@1)ask me shit because I’ve gone fishin
GmIn (355333@1)my brain most things have gone missin’
AIn (x02220@1)my brain most names have gone missin’
EAnd (022100@1)I’m not stressin’ God bless smoke sessions Fire up the internet play a lil’ poker I
could do this shit for hours I’m a mu-fuckin’ smoker Keep a quarter ounce in my house at
all times Never know when I gotta get bombed out my mind..


Cell phone ring and I won’t pick it up… (Why?) Cause I’m high as fuck. Boss left a
message and I can’t call back… (Why?) I’m too high for all that. I’m ’bout to call Pink Dot
dude I got tha munchies And if they catch me drivin’ the gon’ take my car from me I’m
goofy like a grown kid everything is funny Don’t tell me how to fuck I should spend my money
I get high…

[Verse 2]

Uh-oh, I think I smoked too much I got phone calls to make, and I am high as fuck Had a
20 minute giggle fit that turned to slight panic What if they deport me cause my name
sounds Spanish? What if I’m an alien that’s from another planet And they erased my
memory and no-one there remembers me? Like when they send the mother ship, no-one even mentions
me And I am left to die with ya’ll, a humanoid in misery Fuck it, I’ jus’ smoke again,
I’m guessin’ that’s what smokers do Even if you smoke a bammer I’ prolly smoke with you
My momma, and my wife, and my daddy they some smokers too Catch me on the Westside, 
chillin’ like a smoker do.


Cell phone ring and I won’t pick it up… (Why?) Cause I’m high as fuck. Boss left a
message and I can’t call back… (Why?) I’m too high for all that. I’m ’bout to call Pink Dot
dude I got tha munchies And if they catch me drivin’ the gon’ take my car from me I’m
goofy like a grown kid everything is funny Don’t tell me how to fuck I should spend my money
I get high…


Yep… I get high Man, I be high… Like, right now when I’m sayin’ this…shit, I’m high
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