• Song:

    Battle Of The Beanfield

  • Artist:

    The Levellers

  • Album:

    Drunk in Public: The Mu...

Member Name: the edge
Real Name: Alan Kells
E-mail: akdookie@hotmail.com

D5   E5               D5          C5        D5  E5         D5
          i thought i heard something .. calling me .. i've seen the 
                    C5    D5       E5         D5            C5
          pictures on T.V .. and i made up my mind that i'd go and 
          D5             E5       D5      C5    D5       E5   
          see with my own eyes..               it didn't take too
          D5      C5       D5           E5         D5             C5
          long to hitch a ride .. with a guy going south to start a
                   D5 E5       D5               C5       D5    E5        D5
          new life .. past the place where my friend died   two years ago.
          C5   D5          Em       d          C               D  
                 Down the three-o-three at the end of the road...
        Em 		D	  C	    D 	  	Em           D	         
          flashing lights .. exclusion zones .. and it made me think
                    C            D                       Em
          its not just the stones that they are gaurding...
          D   C  D  Em       D   C        D        Em            D
                      Hey .. now cant you see ... theres nothing here 
                     C                       Em            D
          that you can call free .. they're getting their kicks 
                        C      D         Em  D  C  D
          they're laughing at you and me...
      For all you lightwights that don't know what it is about ...
         The lovely police ... Nice men and women that they are decided
         that a certain number of peace loving individuals should not
         be allowed access to a festival ground near stone hendge....
          There had been a festival on the site for years (untill 1983 
          that is ... ) when the police beat everyone crapless ..
          very nice of them if you ask me ... and decided that the 
          festival goers which actually just a bunch of annoying hippies
          to be pushed around when ever a bored policeman/woman had
          nothing better to do...
           and so they did exactly that ... and ever since there has been
           no free festival there... (but one VERY close to it)...
           Isn't it nice to know that you live in a free country ..
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