G5       D5         C5           G5 
She left me here with breakfast in bed
E5           D5           C5          G5 
Oatmeal with sugar and a hard-boiled egg
     G5            D5           C5               G5 
The note on the dresser said I'll be back by three
    E5        D5           C5          G5 
I'm going uptown, did you need anything?

     E5      D5       G5          C5
And don't forget to comb your hair
         G5       D5              C5           G5 
I'll be back by three, I hope you're still there

           G5       D5              C5           G5 
Now the kitchen is empty and the dishwater's cold
     E5               D5          C5       G5 
The newspaper on the table is three days old
     G5           D5           C5           G5 
I've read every book on the living room shelf
     E5         D5           C5         G5 
I'm losing my mind in this goddamn house
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