Band: The Network Song: Supermodel Robots Tabber: CoLdMaJeK This is a easy song, and its fun, you can play around with it and add different things in certain places,im in a band and we made a cover of this song, it sounds great. Chorus "Not Quite a Fem Bot..." ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------9-9-------- --7-7-7-7--7-7--9-9---------{listen to song to figure out how many times to reapeat} --7-7-7-7--7-7--7-6--------- --9-9-9-9--5-5-------------- Verse "All systems down..." --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --2-0-2--02--2-0-2-02--2-0-2-02--2-0-2--02--------- Chorus Verse Chorus Verse Easy song and fun too! enjoy!