The Offspring Title: Recording "Splinter" Album: Splinter Tabbed: by DaHui, 3rd Nov.2003 I actually dont know,which song this is.but im 100% sure it`ll be on Splinter. I figured it out from a video,I`ve downloaded a few weeks ago... Intro: "1,2,3,4" e---------------| B---------------| G--x--x--x--x---| Play the 2 muted(x) D--x--x--x--x---| 2 A--x--x--x--x---| 0 E---------------| Played with Light Disortion or Tube on(Just like on the beginning of "Starin At The Sun") e----------------------------| B----------------------------| G--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2----| Let them ring!!! D--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2----| A--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0----| E----------------------------| Palm Muted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e--------------------------------------| B--------------------------------------| G--2-2-2---------4/7-7-7---------------| 3x D--2-2-2-4/5-5-5-4/7-7-7-5/7-7-7-(7)---| times A--0-0-0-4/5-5-5-2/5-5-5-5/7-7-7-(7)---| E--------2/3-3-3---------3/5-5-5-(5)---| Then,Palm Muted . . . . . . . . . . . e--------------------------------| B--------------------------------| G--2-2-2---------4/7-7-7---------| 1x D--2-2-2-4/5-5-5-4/7-7-7--5-7/---| time A--0-0-0-4/5-5-5-2/5-5-5--5-7/---| E--------2/3-3-3----------3-5/---| Main Part: Distortion NOT Palm Muted e--------------------------------------| B--------------------------------------| G--2-2-2---------4/7-7-7---------------| D--2-2-2-4/5-5-5-4/7-7-7-5/7-7-7-(7)---| A--0-0-0-4/5-5-5-2/5-5-5-5/7-7-7-(7)---| E--------2/3-3-3---------3/5-5-5-(5)---| >The Main Part is played several times.Dont know exactly how often,cuz the video is pretty short... Then,Dexter plays with the WhaWha over the main part e-------------------------------------| B-------------------------------------| G--12--12--12--12-/19--19-/14-14-14---| 4x D---x---x---x--x----x---x---x--x--x---| times(but maybe more often...) A--10--10--10--10-/17--17-/12-12-12---| E-------------------------------------| I guess this isnt everything of this song,but thats all I could figure out. So,hope you enjoy it. Till next time,ta ta ...Da Hui...