THE ORPHANS The Stuff I Says In My Head (An Ode To Friends) this is all power cords Intro: G Bb| G Bb| G Bb| A Ab| x2 then the lyrics come in with this riff: |G Bb| Burn a whole through my heart I don't know just where to start you stuck this idea in my head I can't hear just what you said then the guitar part changes to Chorus |G Bb| A Ab| x7 lyrics are during this slow it down I can't feel anything any more than you could before I don't kow why I try so hard I only digress Then it goes into the first rift again song structure intro verse chorus verse chorus verse chorus the chorus stays the same but here are the other verses Fire, Fire and a light I can't see It's way too bright Milk, Milk and lemonaid The other side is where the fun is made BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH (I can never remember this verse any way so i just yell and scream random words) Written by Tyler Morehart and Josh Orndorff