• Song:

    Get Loose

  • Artist:

    The Salads

  • Album:

    Fold A To B

ALBUM : Fold A To B (2003)
PLAYED BY : Chuck Dailey

Chuck actually plays on a 5-string bass, but I've tabbed this so that it's meant to be played on the 4-string. Enjoy. 

Standard tuning (EADG)
M - mute
/ - slide up
~ - let ring

INTRO (0:03)
G ------------------|------------------------------------------|
D ------------------|-----44-55------44---------44-55----------| 
A -5555-3333-2222-0-|-555--------555----77--555--------55-55---| x1
E ------------------|------------------------------------------|

VERSE (0:11)
G --------|
D --------|
A -555-55-| x8
E --------| 

CHORUS (0:26)
G ----------------------------------------|
D ----------------------------------------|
A -55--------55--------55-----------------| x2
E ----3-0-------3-0-------3-0-----55--55--|
  * Play the 55--55 to the beat of the drums.

VERSE 2 (0:41)
G --------|     G --------|     G --------|
D --------|     D --------|     G --------|
A -555-55-| x7  A -555-m--| x1  G -555-55-| x4
E --------|     E --------|     G --------|

CHORUS (1:04)
G ----------------------------------------|
D ----------------------------------------|
A -55--------55--------55-----------------| x2
E ----3-0-------3-0-------3-0-----55--55--|

BRIDGE (1:18)
G -----|-----|-----|-----|
D -----|-----|-----|-----|
A -555-|-555-|-555-|-5/--| x2 
E -----|-----|-----|-----|
  * The slide is optional. It’s not actually the bass, but it’s more fun.

CHORUS (1:33)
CHORUS (1:04)
G ----------------------------------------|
D ----------------------------------------|
A -55--------55--------55-----------------| x2
E ----3-0-------3-0-------3-0-----55--55--|

G --------------------------------------|
D --------------------------------------|
A -55------55------55-------------------| x2
E ----3-0-----3-0-----3-0-----55555555--|


OUTRO (2:11)
G -------|
D -------|
A -5~~~--|
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