• Song:

    Thank You Very Much

  • Artist:

    The Scaffold

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Thank You Very Much
Recorded by The Scaffold

The Scaffold were a musical, poetry and comedy trio from Liverpool,England.
They consisted of Musician Mike McGear (real name Peter Michael McCartney, the brother 
of Paul McCartney), Poet Roger McGough and Comedian John Gorman. This was one of their 
many comedy songs that hit the charts in the 1960's, and it got to number 4 in 1967.

The verses all follow the same chord pattern as the first verse.
The first two verses are in the key of G major, verses 3 & 4 are in the key of A major 
and the final 3 verses are in the key of B major.
However playing it all in G major still sounds good - and as funny!!

P.s. singing it with a slight Liverpool accent helps! (listen to the CD to see what I mean).

What are the lyrics about? - I haven't got a clue - anyone know?

Verse 1
GThank (320003@1)you very much for the Aintree Iron
C (x32010@1)             DThank (xx0232@1) you very much
          C (x32010@1)       DThank (xx0232@1)you very very very much
GThank (320003@1)you very much for the Aintree Iron
C (x32010@1)            D (xx0232@1)       GThank (320003@1)you very very very much

Verse 2
Thank you very much for the birds and bees
Thank you very much thank you very very very much
Thank you very much for the birds and bees
Thank you very very very much

Verse 3
Thank you very much for the family circle
Thank you very much thank you very very very much
Thank you very much for the family circle
Thank you very much thank you very very very very
very very very very much

Bridge 1
Bm (x24432@1)                             GYou (320003@1)don't know how much they all mean
                       D (xx0232@1) EThey (022100@1)seem better in my dreams

Repeat Verse 1

Verse 4
Thank you very much for love
Thank you very much thank you very very very much
Thank you very much for love
Thank you very very very much

Verse 5
Thank you very much for the Sunday joint
Thank you very much thank you very very very much
Thank you very much for the Sunday joint and our
Cultural heritage national beverage being fat Union Jack
Nursery rhyme Sunday times napalm bomb everyone
Thank you very much thank you very very very
very very very very very much

Bridge 2
It was simply spiffing and true let me whisper I love you

Repeat Verse 1

Verse 6
Thank you very much for playing this record
Thank you very much thank you very very very much
Thank you very much for playing this record
Thank you very very very much

Verse 7
Thank you very much for our gracious team
Thank you very much thank you very very very much
Thank you very much for our gracious team
Thank you very very very much

If there are any more 'Golden Oldies' you would like to see posted on this site, (chords 
only) please email me at evansongs@blueyonder.co.uk and I'll see what I can do.

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